Whittlesea Medical Clinic
Your rights and responsibilities
As a valued patient of Whittlesea Medical Clinic, it is important to us that you understand your rights and responsibilities.
You have the right to:
Considerate, respectful and non-discriminatory care.
Be treated with dignity and consideration by others.
Have your beliefs, ethnic, cultural and religious practices respected.
Privacy and confidentiality.
To read our privacy policy.
Receive clear information about your health care, proposed treatment or services so that you can make informed decisions about your treatment.
Participate in your health care decisions.
Refuse assessment or treatment.
Seek a second opinion.
Refuse participation in educational or research programs.
Refuse the presence of health workers not directly involved with your care.
Assistance from the Practice Manager if not satisfied with services.
Access your client record in accordance with the Information Privacy Act (Victoria) 2000.​
Your Responsibilities​
As a patient of Whittlesea Medical Clinic, you have a responsibility to:
Respect the privacy of others attending the service (including information shared in groups and programs).
Participate in your care by informing your healthcare professional of all relevant information. If you do not understand the information you are given, please ask to have it explained.
Keep appointments and be on time. Failure to give 4 hours' notice will attract a cancellation fee.
Treat other service users with respect and consideration.
Provide a safe environment for our health care professionals visiting your home.​